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Last mission of archaeoacoustics for SBRG to Visoko in Bosnia-Herzegovina
TAG: pyramids Bosnia, Bosnian Pyramids, archaeoacoustics, Visoko civilization, pyramids, infrasound, low frequency, ultrasound, voice pyramid, SBRG, SB Research Group, Paolo Debertolis
At the end of April 2013 a new mission to Visoko (Bosnia-Herzegovina), restricted to a few members, concluded the research of SB Research Group about archeoacoustics on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, otherwise known as Visoćica Hill.
Fig. 1 – The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (Visoćica Hill) as seen from the roofs of Visoko
In this cooling-off period on all data collected in nearly three years of research in the territory of the Bosnian Federation and reviewing the recordings made previously on top of the Pyramid of the Sun by various digital equipment, we found some unexpected anomalies within low audio frequencies and infrasounds.
For this reason we needed a new mission to settle the doubts on the validity of previously collected data. Therefore we repositioned the microphones for the transmission of sound in air at different positions of the top of the Pyramid of the Sun and other nearby hills.
Fig. 2 – The settlings of the equipment inside the ruins of the medieval citadel
Regarding the protocol used in this case, our equipment of choice was composed of an ultrasensitive condenser microphones with phantom power at 48 volts (consists in passing the power supply along the same audio cables in which the signal passes) set in the air (Sennheiser MKH 3020, frequency response 10-70,000Hz) and a professional digital recorder Tascam DR-680 with recording schedule by 192KHz sampling rate (frequency audio response from 10 to 96,000Hz). For connections we used a high quality shielded cables (Mogami Gold Edition) with gold-plated XLR connectors.
Fig. 3 – The gold-plated XLR connectors of excellent shielded cables Mogami Gold Edition
In particular we focused the research on the low emission frequencies and infrasounds that may be present in that location. The microphones (directional) were placed towards the ground a few inches off the ground supported by absorbing noise trestles.
The sites of the logging operations were within the ruins of the medieval town of Visoki, located in the west section of the flat summit of the pyramid, and in the little dry basin on the opposite side of the plateau on the east side. These two areas were chosen because any noise disturbance from the enviroment was minimised.
Fig. 4 – The microphones highlighted in red in one of the potions where they were placed inside the medieval walls
Between one recording and the other we left long pauses to check for any differences in the different hours of the day. The recordings needed a lot of hours until late in the whole number of days taken both on the Pyramid of the Sun and nearby areas.
The results were very impressive. The whole top of the Pyramid of the Sun seems to emit low frequencies and infrasounds which have a large volume peak, with an apex around 48Hz. The range of these very low frequencies is between 10 and 70Hz. It has not been possible to assess the amount of infrasounds present below 10Hz because this is the limit of the instruments, but this is not relevant to this research because these vibrations are ubiquitous on Earth and purely tectonic.
Fig. 5 – The graph of the recording on top of the Pyramid of the Sun has always more or less the same trend at different moments in the day. In total silence there is always a spike in volume between 10 and 70 Hz, with a peak at 48 Hz
Comparing the graph obtained with the same type of measurements observed on a nearby hill you can clearly observe a sharp drop in the volume of the sound with the rise of the frequencies of the latter, a situation that does not happen on the Pyramid of the Sun, in whose graph there is a prominent broad peak corresponding to these very low frequencies and infrasounds.
Fig. 6 – This is what we found on a nearby hill: the apparent volume drops by the progress of frequencies
Fig. 7 – The Sennheiser MKH 3020 microphones were also used to check on the nearby hills
Fig. 8 – The digital recorder Tascam DR-680 has shown also in this case a great versatility, the only problem is the very high consumption of batteries for power - "phantom" of 48V to two condenser microphones Sennheiser MKH 3020
The low volume of low audio frequencies emissions for a relatively short period on top of the pyramid appears not to have any consequences for the human body, at least according to international literature.
But it appears to be clear that those people who are particularly sensitive who go on top of the pyramid, feel an experience of "energy" coming into their body. They are actually perceiving distinctly low-frequency mechanical vibrations interpreting them as “energy”.
Sounds at very low frequency and infrasound vibrations are perceived, in fact more by nerve receptors in the bones than by the cells of the spiral organ of hearing. Furthermore this type of sound vibration is not directional, it appears to have a substantial effect on cognitive abilities of the human organism, as reported in the literature (Gavreau, Science Journal: Vol 4, No.1 - Jan 1968).
Unfortunately infrasounds have been long studied primarily as a weapon of the future, as they are able to confound and reduce the capacity of resistance and concentration of the enemy, if output at a high volume.
But this effect only applies to high volumes, with lower volumes this does not happen, indeed such vibrations can instead strengthen the human perceptual abilities (Tandy and Lawrence, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, April 1998, 62). This could explain the mystical feeling that some people feel when they go to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun or if they are in deep meditation, but of course this happens also in other "sacred" places from time immemorial and with the same natural tonal characteristics.
Fig. 9 – The top of the Pyramid of the Sun as seen from the side of the east plateau, April 2013. On the right side of the mountain are the ruins of the medieval citadel
However, it is not possible to correlate the presence of ultrasounds found on top of the pyramid to altered states of consciousness. The ultrasounds, as we had previously detected on the top of the pyramid, are inconsistent appearing to relate to the seasonal changes in the weather. As we noted earlier, ultrasounds are present in a single place on top of the Pyramid of the Sun and being a very directional vibration may have been heard or rather felt by a young and careful ear in the past, especially if they were resting on the ground (Takeda et al., European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1992, 65), so as to hear the voice of a “God” enclosed inside the pyramid. But in this last case ultrasounds have no possibilities to give other tangible effects on the human psyche.
Paolo Debertolis – May 9, 2013
This is an original file collected on top of the Pyramid of the Sun on this occasion. It is recommended to listen ONLY through high-fidelity stereo headphones with a wide range of low frequencies, otherwise you can not hear anything. The file is not altered, but only compressed into .mp3 format because the original file in .wav format with 192kHz sampling rate has more than 300 Megabytes. This file takes about 2 minutes to listen in silence. In addition to the various ambient noises you can distinctly hear, there are very low vibrations pulsating. You can compare with the sound from an airplane passing over us at the minute 1:26 and for which we interrupt the recording (also for dogs barking!).
To download the file (for personal use only and not for distribution) please click here.
Translated by Nina Earl
Experiment on Serbian Pyramid Rtanj in the late July 2013
TAG: pyramids, Rtanj, Rtanj pyramid, electromagnetic waves, ultrasounds, voice pyramid, SBRG, SB Research Group
Lead by Slobodan Mizdrak
With great help of Spirit of Rtanj, Center for cosmological Studies Nikola Tesla, SB Research Group and Demiurg Zagreb
The main goal of the experiment:
Find the source of an electromagnetic and ultrasound emission with a triangular way of capturing both effects – with 8 probes recording echo signals on different geographical places.
Find the echo (if any) on Bosnian Pyramid of Sun, and regular places in Zagreb and Beograd.
The reason for the experiment:
In the last few years many different scientists and enthusiasts from various countries detected with various instruments strange energy fields on the pyramid and tunnels around. The energies, a lot higher than signals, in electromagnetic and ultrasound fields with specific frequency varied +/- 20% with a middle in 28, 6 kHz. There are no known natural or artificial sources with those frequencies with so narrowed points in the field. Not with electromagnetic and ultrasound (mechanical) vibrations at the same time and nearly the same place. On the top of the pyramid or deep down, in the tunnel!
Guided by a scientific mind (read: restless with partial results from last experiment) we decided to make a project to find an echo of that energy-informational field with a 3D method of analyzing collected data on the field.
The methodology of the experiment:
On the top of the Serbian Pyramid Rtanj (SPR) we will set electronic devices which will irradiate electromagnetic (EM) and ultrasound (UM) emission with specific frequencies (now 24 – 40 kHz) simultaneously, with sinusoid waveform, and with amplitude power no more than 100 Watts. Irradiation or shining is simple and with small power – with no affects to flora, fauna or human beings around the specific place.
Our detectors or probes are set to receive all responses in both EM and US emissions and record them for further analyses. This means recording original signals-energies and all others (mostly interferences of both signals originals from SPR and produced ones). So, if we know the exact place in 3D of all of our probes, with timeline recorded for all data, we will be able to pinpoint the exact place where the source of energy beam is on a 3D map.
Mathematically, the speed of EM/light and the speed of sound/mechanical vibration in the same system are constant. How to find distance is just a matter of precise time intervals. With 4 probes for each of the EM and US and with the exact time of receiving the same signals we can easy calculate the distance from the source. And not only the distance but the direction as well! This means we will find the specific spot where the source is.
The GPS system works in the same mathematical way.
Also, the precise time settings on extra sensible receivers for our transmitter on other places will give us answer are all pyramids somehow connected (synchronized) and is the pilot signal recognized in other, usual, places.
Timeline of experiment:
Our team will come to Serbia on July 22. 2013. We will set up and test the equipment the two of next days. The start of the experiment is 9.00 AM July 24. 2012. The duration of the experiment is 72 hours, so the end of the experiment is in 9.01 AM July 27. 2013. Data collected during our experiment will be analyzed in the next 2-6 months (over x TBytes) and published on all friendly web sites.
Transparency of the experiment:
Everything what will happen during our project will be recorded including audio, video and all captured data. Three high resolution cameras will be placed near our equipment to record and send audio/video to the hall of research center in town Rtanj where we can see and hear everything in real time. Also everything will be placed on the internet in real time, so whoever wants to can easily track us from any part of the world.
After the experiment, all collected data will be available on the internet for all kinds of individual calculation.
Avoiding problems:
The main reason why we do not want people to sneak around is their electronic devices like cell phones, mobile cameras etc which can interfere with our very sensitive probes. All extra EM and US can disturb our measuring and prolong data calculation. Even that can mislead our results.
If someone really wants to be there, that is not a problem and it’s not dangerous. I will be there as much as possible as well. My dear colleague ing. Ivan Jušković will be there with his team during all 72 hours of the experiment. There are only three rules for people who want to sneak around: leave your electronic devices at least 200m from the experiment place, do not touch the equipment and do not make any loud sounds.
Our international and multidisciplinary team of experts will do a practical experiment:
After 72 hours of recording data from the probes and calculating data we will be able to find the direction and length to the source of EM and US which was found initially on SPR. Also we will find out are there resonances in other sites.
The team:
- Prof. dr. Ljubo Ristovski - physicist, Beograd
- Prof. dr. Velimir Abramović - Centar za kosmološke studije Nikola Tesla, Beograd
- Prof. dr. Spomenko Mihajlović – RGZ - Geomagnetna opervatorija Srbije, Beograd
- Ing. el.teh. Goran Marjanović – Centar za kosmološke studije Nikola Tesla, Beograd
- Ing. el.teh. Ivan Jušković – Ratel, Republička agencija za telekomunikacije, Niš
- Edo Popović, writer and journalist, Zagreb
- Ing. Heikki Savolainen, sound and ultrasound professional analyzer, Helsinki
- Dr. Ivan Šimatović, elektrotechician, specialist for old civilisations, Krapina
- Jadranko Djurašin, photographer, Zagreb
- Ing. Leonardo Blaženić, electronics and sound specialist, Zagreb
- Prof. Agg. Paolo Debertolis, University of Trieste, archaeo-acoustic researcher (ultrasounds), Trieste
- Ing. Stanko Magić, Magic co. Varaždin
- Ing. Vladimir Matek, camera specialist, Zagreb
- Matija Grabar, network specialist, Magic co. Varaždin
- Srđan Cvikić, network specialist, Magic co. Varaždin
- Mag. Domagoj Nikolić, specialist for old civilisations, Imotski
- Dr. Zlatan Alicević, Flora and fauna specialist, Arnika Veterina, Zagreb
And our host ing. Saša Nađfeji – Centar za istraživanje i ekologiju Duh Rtnja, Beograd
Slobodan Mizdrak - In Zagreb, Croatia, 07. March 2013
We continue our researches into Archaeoacoustics at the Hypogeum of Cividale of Friuli
TAG: archaeo-acoustics, archaeoacoustics, hypogeum, Cividale, resonance, ultrasound, SBRG, SB Research Group, Paolo Debertolis
On the night of February 26th 2013, the SBRG researchers returned again to the hypogeum of Cividale of Friuli to delve into the phenomena of archaeoacoustics present in this ancient structure.
This time we took into consideration the upper chamber of the hypogeum which is very small allowing at most of three people inside.
Fig. 1 - The upper chamber of the Hypogeum of Cividale is located just below and to the left of the entrance
In this case we used our professional equipment as used before, that is becoming the new standard protocol of SBRG. This consists of a digital Tascam DR-680 recorder and Sennheiser MKH 3020 microphones, equipped with shielded cables Mogami Gold Edition XLR and gold-plated connectors. In addition, we also used a tone generator to verify the possible existence of a resonance frequency and if present, what the tuning frequency of the room was.
Fig. 2 – The researchers examined the resonance frequency of the belowground room by the electronic tone generator
The sound file present below is an example of using the electronic tone generator to search the "knot" of the underground room. Or rather, where there is greater sound response in relation to the point of emission of sound. In it the microphones are stationary and the emitter is moving. If you have high fidelity stereo headphones you can hear perfectly the sound change when we get close to the node. The tone emitted is already tuned to the resonance frequency of the underground chamber (here).
Fig. 3 – To obtain the best resonance response, we must put on a very specific knot that is determined by a clear niche carved in the conglomerate and that in these photos is illuminated by the hand flashlight
By analyzing the sound, it was found that this room has a resonance frequency of around 95Hz. This is the same frequency range (95-120Hz) also found in some Neolithic temples of the South of England and Ireland from the studies of Robert Jahn of Princeton University in the 90s.
These frequencies correspond to the pitch of a low male voice singing or praying. The human voice cannot maintain a fixed tone, but revolves around the basic tone that sets the officiant in prayer and that must be close to the resonance frequency of the system. The female voice set to the higher harmonic does not seem to trigger this phenomenon.
To simulate the way of praying, Buddhist mantras were used which maintained a fixed tone of prayer. These tests were carried out with three voices, two male and one female.
Fig. 4 - To simulate the way of praying, Buddhist mantras were used to maintain a fixed tone of prayer
Below is one of the recordings in compressed mp3 format. The resonance effect can be felt from the second n.38, ie when the voices are heated (here). The original recordings have many more nuances in the audio collection recorded by uncompressed format with 192KHz sampling rate.
You can perceive the triggers of the resonance phenomenon only when the voices arrive at the precise frequency of resonance, hearing a vibration that has nothing to do with the voice. The female voice as you can hear, does not trigger anything. It is recommended to use a high-fidelity headset only with a large component of bass to listen this sound file.
Fig. 5 - The microphones were placed at a distance in order to better capture the effect of resonance without distortion
Further tests of the acoustic capabilities of this ancient underground structure will be made in the coming weeks.
Paolo Debertolis - March 3, 2013
Translated by Nina Earl
A sincere thank you from the SBRG research group to the owners of Cividale del Friuli hypogeum for their helpfulness and kindness in yielding even at night their ancient monument for our experiments. Heartfelt thanks also to Mr. Federico, who patiently gave us the keys of the hypogeum to our researches at all hours of the day.
Still archaeoacoustic experiments by SBRG on Mount Amiata
TAG: electromagnetic waves, ultrasounds, archaeo-acoustics, Mount Amiata, SBRG, SB Research Group, Paolo Debertolis, Niccolò Bisconti
The study on "sacred" sites by our research group is taking place in the area of Monte Amiata and the analysis of physical phenomena that may be present close to it.
We visited numerous sites but for now, only two appear to have characteristics that influence the state of perception of the people that stop there for praying or meditating.
Indeed, we have repeatedly carried out measurements on the location of Monte Labbro, but nothing has emerged in the particular band of ultrasounds, infrasounds and even in the audible band. Although it is considered an important place for its shape vaguely as a triangular pyramid, it seems that the shape is unable to convey acoustic phenomena from the subsoil. We will conduct even better studies into the emissions of very low frequency radio waves orginiating from techtonic movements and the earths Schumann’s resonance frequency, but for now we can exclude all the phenomena of sound vibrations that may affect the state of consciousness.
Fig. 1 - Our ascent with full charge of instruments to the Giusdavidic settlement required a lot of patience
Fig. 2 - The group of researchers who carried out the SBRG experiment on Mount Labbro. From left to right: dr. Niccolò Bisconti, archaeologist, Antonio Pacini, technical, prof.agg. Paolo Debertolis, physical anthropologist
Certainly, the landscape appeared very impressive from the top of the Giusdavidic building in the cold winter weather. However, the collection of data on the settlement, whose construction is due to the "prophet of Amiata" Davide Lazzaretti was very disappointing.
Fig. 3 - This is the Monte Amiata as winter as seen from the Giusdavidic Tower
Fig. 4 - The view is breathtaking and from the top of Mount Labbro in a clear winter day even the sea is clearly visible
Fig. 5 – In the Giusdavitic settlment we started to analyze the emission of radio waves from underground. There are some natural Schumann’s Resonance radio frequencies present (15.3 Hz 17.7 Hz 27.3 Hz) detected by our spectrum analyzer Spectran NF-3010 of German company Aaronia AG
Fig. 6 - Our main listening point was the chapel located beneath Giusdavidic Tower, perfectly sheltered from the wind and noise outside, where we placed two ultrasensitive microphones Sennheiser 3020
We collected insignificant data from chapels and medieval sites which appear very interesting for their mystical nature and religious importance. However, they have not revealed any physical/ mechanical secrets, such as the cave of St. Philip in Bagni San Filippo or as Ermicciolo Chapel dedicated to St. Benedict and placed close to Vivo d'Orcia (Siena).
Fig. 7 - The shelter built in the tradition by St. Philip Benizi near Bagni San Filippo and the mysterious inscriptions in ancient characters
Fig. 8 - The microphones were placed in the cave-chapel, which is still well preserved. Above the altar there is a statue of black wood of St. Philip Benizi
Fig. 9 - The Ermicciolo Chapel near Vivo d'Orcia (Siena). The microphones were placed on both sides of the entrance to the apse
Fig. 10 - Even at Ermicciolo Chapel the landscape is very beautiful and mystical, even if there were no interesting archaeo-acoustics present. Here is the shot from the side of the apse of the chapel
Fig. 11 - The group of SBRG researchers who carried out the experiment at the church Ermicciolo. From left to right: sig.Giorgio Tondo, sound technician, dr. Niccolò Bisconti, archaeologist, Mr. Antonio Pacini, technical, prof.agg. Paolo Debertolis, physical anthropologist
On the contrary some Christian sites, in that bygone era were also considered sacred by the Etruscans and Romans. Without wanting to go back to even earlier periods, they appear very important for archaeo-acoustics, such as the Abbey of San Salvatore and the church of St. Mary of Ermeta.
In regard to the Abbey of San Salvatore in Abbadia San Salvatore (Siena) we would like to confirm the data already collected in November 2012: there is a constant ultrasonic frequency from underground between 25 and 32 Khz. This is easily detectable in the water tank below the cloister of the abbey by use of hydrophones (water resistant microphones). The study of these mechanical vibrations will be the subject of a specific publication that we are preparing.
Fig. 12 - The Abbey of San Salvatore in Abbadia (Siena)
Fig. 13 - The well at the center of the cloister is the only access road to the water tank located under the abbey
Fig. 14 - The placement of Hydrophones into the water tank now have become a routine for us
Fig. 15 - But every time we repeat the experiment it is important to listen by ears what was recorded directly to identify sources of spurious noise that may affect recordings
Fig. 16 - The great American Mogami cables provide the security that the shielding is adequate and it is impossible for radio waves from mobile phones or commercial radios to penetrate our recordings
Fig 17 - In any case, thanks to our spectrum analyzer Aaronia, we also analyzed the presence of radio waves from other sources or from natural origin
It is surprising how you can listen by microphones in the air near the church of St. Mary of Ermeta. In August 2012, the presence of sounds and tones in the field of audible band from the ground attracted our attention.
It is likely that the deposits of mercury and cinnabar in the subsoil of the Mount Amiata play an important role and we also not must forget that the Amiata mountain is an extinct volcano, whose activity remains present even if quietly.
On the other hand Enel geothermal power plant that uses these geodynamic features is located several kilometers away on the other side of Mount Amiata and this fact totally excludes that the noises coming from its activities could be reflected to a place geographically far away.
It is likely, however, that these natural sounds, perceptible even to a sensitive ear to the ground and leaning accompanied by strong greenhouse gas, were also present at the time of the Etruscans who evidently they were very impressed by it, so to be considered in the past as the place "sacred." We also recall that the whole of mount Amiata was already considered a Sacred Mountain of the Etruscans.
It is therefore plausible that the observation of unusual phenomena by several witnesses at the site of Ermeta over the centuries, without detracting anything from the religion and the sanctity of the place, no doubt may have been immersed in this context.
Fig. 18 - The Church of St. Mary of Ermeta on Mount Amiata
Fig. 19 - The findings of archaeo-acoustics in St. Mary of Ermeta church. These photos are taken during the survey day, but most of our recordings were made during the night to minimize noise from human surface activities
In respect of our research, we used ultrasensitive condenser microphones with phantom power to 48 volts (these pass the electrical power along the same audio cables in which the signal passes) placed in the air (Sennheiser MKH 3020, frequency response 10-70.000Hz) and located close to the church. They detected extremely low frequencies below 40-50 Hz, with ups and downs but always present.
Recordings made in most cases during the night (to minimize the interference of human surface activities and lasting at least 5 consecutive minutes), were repeated several times. We always took care to take note when spurious noises appeared in the environment, such as the passage of airplanes at a distance.
We can also exclude the interference of radio waves coming from the microphone installations placed at the top of the mountain because the area is very sheltered in this regard and the equipment used has a significant shielding (Mogami Gold Edition XLR cables with gold plated connectors ) and the digital recorder used primarily has a high reliability (Tascam DR-680). It also has been used to confirm a digital recorder Tascam DR-100 of good quality even if with sampling characteristics lower than the previous recorder.
In conclusion, it seems interesting to use different study parameters, such as archeoacoustics for reanalyzing these sites. This reaffirms the aura of legends that pervades these places, and modern technology is now able to give greater clarity to the origin of many interesting phenomena.
The study will continue in the coming months and will focus our attention in particular in the last two sites to confirm and deepen as far discovered.
Paolo Debertolis, Niccolò Bisconti - January 14, 2013
Translated by Nina Earl
Sincere thanks for helping our research of archaeoacoustics to the monks of San Salvatore and in particular to the prior Father Amedeo and Father Roberto, who always patiently tolerated our invasions.
Another thank you from all of SBRG research group to Giorgio and Verena Pacini, owners of the restaurant and bed & breakfast "Fonte Magria" who provided food and lodging for researchers and large rooms for the instrumentation. The restaurant "Fone Magria" always will be our point of reference for our research in Tuscany.
Here is an original file collected near the Chapel of St. Mary of Ermeta. It is ONLY to listen and ONLY if you have a high fidelity stereo headphones with a wide range of low frequencies, otherwise you can not feel anything. The file is not altered, but only compressed in mp3 format because the original WAV file is over 200 Mega bytes. It lasts for around 5 minutes and you have to listen to in total silence.
To download the file (for personal use only and not for distribution) click here.
Researches of archaeoacoustics in hypogeum of Cividale (Italy) by SBRG
TAG: archaeo-acoustics, archaeoacoustics, hypogeum, Cividale, resonance, ultrasounds, SBRG, SB Research Group
Our research group has recently started a study of the acoustic phenomena present in Cividale hypogeum, which according to some historians can be attributed to the Celtic culture.
The Hypogeum of Cividale is located near the Natisone river, it has a single window on this river near the entrance. The rest of the rooms are carved in the conglomerate and appear to be free of other outside passages, the entire structure is without ventilation. We know that in Roman times this was used as a prison.
Fig. 1 – The fascinating hypogeum of Cividale (Udine)
This underground structure is similar to other much older structures, for example the hypogeum of Malta, which has absolutely peculiar acoustic phenomena.
At this time in our investigation we are evaluating the presence of resonance phenomena, by use of the human voice and electronic devices capable of emitting tones at different frequencies.
Fig. 2 - The operators at work during the night
For the initial tests which were carried out during the night (to minimize the interference from human activity on the surface above), we used a Tascam DR-680 digital recorder and Sennheiser MKH 3020 microphones equipped with shielded cables Mogami Gold Edition XLR and gold-plated connectors.
Fig. 3 - The exceptional microphones Sennheiser 3020 (frequency response 10-70.000Hz) in different positions in the fourth room of hypogeum
In the first room we examined, we confirmed the presence of a resonance of around 101-102 Hz.
Who in ancient times applied these baritone tones at this frequency at a particular point of this room during singing or praying to stimulate the structure to resonate with a direct effect on the human body during the ritual?
Fig. 4 -The experiment was carried out below the watchful and disturbing empty eyes of these carved faces in the underground conglomerate
Fig.5 - The group of researchers who participated at the experiment
Our purpose is to backdate the structure in more ancient times than the Celtic presence in Friuli.
Paolo Debertolis – January 10, 2013
A sincere thank you from the SBRG research group to the owners of Cividale del Friuli hypogeum for their helpfulness and kindness in yielding even at night their ancient monument for our experiments. Heartfelt thanks also to Mr. Federico, who patiently gave us the keys of the hypogeum to our researches at all hours of the day.