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Bosnian Pyramids – Measured Energy Phenomena
TAG: pyramids Bosnia, Bosnian pyramids, Visoko civilization, pyramids, electromagnetic waves, ultrasounds, voice pyramid, SBRG, SB Research Group, Conference Hidden History, Paolo Debertolis, Slobodan Mizdrak
These are the slides of report by SBRG at Conference on "Hidden History" in Visoko (Bosnia . Herzegovina), Saturday, 8 September, 2012.
The title of report is "Bosnian Pyramids - Measured Energy Phenomena" by Paolo Debertolis and Slobodan Mizdrak.
You can find the complete video of presentation here.
(previous images about resonance phenomenon by J. Mortenson, 2010)
(Scheme of Wailand's Smithy by R.G. Jahn, 1996)
(video on resonance phenomenon in Ravne tunnels)
(Audio file in mp3)