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Definitive Results of Archaeoacoustic Analysis at Alatri Acropolis, Italy
Paolo Debertolis*, Daniele Gullà**, Natalia Tarabella**, Lorenzo Marcuccetti**
*Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste and SBRG, Italy
**Super Brain Research Group, Italy
Abstract – Our research group has used archaeoacoustic methodology over the last seven years. Archaeoacoustics has enabled us to explain some of the enigmas of ancient archaeological sites that were not previously possible to explain through other methods. Our hypothesis suggests the exposure to certain non-audible vibrations could have a significant effect on the psyche of those who came for prayer or rituals, facilitating access into a mystical state. Archaeoacoustic methodology was utilised to study Alatri acropolis in Italy. The cathedral of Alatri is located at the highest point in the town of Alatri which sits on top of a Cyclopean temple. We sought to understand why this temple was built in this location. Using a number of protocols we discovered very strong and significant low vibrations (seismic waves) continuously emitted originating from below the ground. Even though ancient people did not posses the same equipment we have today, they would have been aware of the conditions required to achieve such a mystical state, perhaps by simply sensing they were closer to God in a given location. The seismic waves appear to arise from a geological fault located on the side of the hill where the town has stood since ancient times. The presence of such seismic frequencies increases the effect of any rituals by enhancing the psyche of the participants due to their influence on human brain waves. This suggests the builders of this temple had some knowledge of their effect and offers a possible explanation as to why the temple was built on this particular hill and not on any of the surrounding hills.
Keywords: archaeoacoustics, Alatri, polygonal walls, low frequency sound, infrasound.
Proceedings of International Conference "Archaeoacoustics III”, Tomar (Portugal), October 5-8, 2017; pp. 33-43.
(ISBN: 978-0965625258)
You can find the web site of the Conference here.
You can find the original article from proceedings here.
The video of the presentation in Tomar, October 6, 2017, is here.