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The ancient knowledge of sound. Archaeoacoustic analysis of the Pyramid of Bomarzo and the surrounding areas in Lazio, Italy
Natalia Tarabella**, Paolo Debertolis*, Daniele Gullà**, Randa Romero**
*Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste and SBRG, Italy
**Super Brain Research Group, Italy
Abstract – The term "archaeoacoustics" does not simply mean the study of sound in archaeological contexts, but also the study of all physical phenomena in these sites. Using an archaeoacoustic approach it is possible to measure the frequencies of natural sounds and magnetic fields of archaeological sites and to interpret their possible sacred function. In previous research our research group (SBRG - Super Brain Research Group), an interdisciplinary team of researchers from various European countries, has demonstrated in some ancient temples the existence of a relationship between mechanical vibrations or magnetic fields induced by natural phenomena and brain activity. For the pyramid of Bomarzo, an ancient archaeological site in Lazio (Italy), we applied the same standard of research that we have used for several years. It is without doubt that the Bomarzo pyramid area owns typical characteristics of similar sacred sites we have previously examined in other locations. The presence of 14Hz almost everywhere at different volumes in the Bomarzo pyramid area is a feature we have often met with at other sacred sites such as Sogmatar and in Göbekli Tepe in South Anatolia where it was also possible to localize a similar powerful magnetic field as in the Bomarzo pyramid.
Keywords – sound, archaeoacoustics, Bomarzo, pyramid.
Proceedings in 20th International Conference and Assembly of the Experts of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco “HERITAGE FOR PLANET EARTH 2018 - One Planet, One Origin, Many Cultures, One Shared Destiny, Or None!", Florence, Italy, March 3-4, 2018: in press.
You can find the original paper in English by SBRG here.
You can find the web site of the Conference here.