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Definitive Results of Archaeoacoustic Analysis at Alatri Acropolis, Italy
Paolo Debertolis*, Daniele Gullà**, Natalia Tarabella**, Lorenzo Marcuccetti**
*Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste and SBRG, Italy
**Super Brain Research Group, Italy
Abstract – Our research group has used archaeoacoustic methodology over the last seven years. Archaeoacoustics has enabled us to explain some of the enigmas of ancient archaeological sites that were not previously possible to explain through other methods. Our hypothesis suggests the exposure to certain non-audible vibrations could have a significant effect on the psyche of those who came for prayer or rituals, facilitating access into a mystical state. Archaeoacoustic methodology was utilised to study Alatri acropolis in Italy. The cathedral of Alatri is located at the highest point in the town of Alatri which sits on top of a Cyclopean temple. We sought to understand why this temple was built in this location. Using a number of protocols we discovered very strong and significant low vibrations (seismic waves) continuously emitted originating from below the ground. Even though ancient people did not posses the same equipment we have today, they would have been aware of the conditions required to achieve such a mystical state, perhaps by simply sensing they were closer to God in a given location. The seismic waves appear to arise from a geological fault located on the side of the hill where the town has stood since ancient times. The presence of such seismic frequencies increases the effect of any rituals by enhancing the psyche of the participants due to their influence on human brain waves. This suggests the builders of this temple had some knowledge of their effect and offers a possible explanation as to why the temple was built on this particular hill and not on any of the surrounding hills.
Keywords: archaeoacoustics, Alatri, polygonal walls, low frequency sound, infrasound.
Proceedings of International Conference "Archaeoacoustics III”, Tomar (Portugal), October 5-8, 2017; pp. 33-43.
(ISBN: 978-0965625258)
You can find the web site of the Conference here.
You can find the original article from proceedings here.
The video of the presentation in Tomar, October 6, 2017, is here.
Archaeoacoustic Analysis in Enclosure D at Göbekli Tepe in South Anatolia, Turkey
Paolo Debertolis*, Daniele Gullà**, Heikki Savolainen***
*Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste and SBRG, Italy
**SBRG, Bologna, Italy
***HSS Production and SBRG, Helsinki, Finland
Abstract— We made an archaeoacoustic exploration at Enclosure D in the Göbekli Tepe archeological site. This site is the most ancient archaeological location recognized by archaeologists all over the world. It was dated 7,000 years before the Egyptian pyramids. Thanks to the site’s discoverer we had the possibility to record the vibrations coming from the subsoil, magnetic fields and the sound produced by hitting with hand on central pillar n.18. The results are amazing and confirm that Göbekli Tepe has the same archaeoacoustic aspects of many other typical sacred sites we have studied in Europe and Minor Asia. However the most interesting finding was understanding that the pillar we examined is probably at the centre of a sophisticated mechanism of vibrations and magnetic fields affecting the brain. This discovery is in contrast with our knowledge of the level of technology produced by the civilization who built these sacred temples. Our results have to be considered as preliminary results, however due to the death of the person who discovered the site and the current geopolitical situation in Turkey we cannot continue the research. We hope other researchers will be able to confirm our results in future.
Keywords – archaeoacoustics, Göbekli Tepe, low frequency sound.
Proceedings in Scientific Conference “5th HASSACC 2017 - Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference", Slovakia, Žilina, September 25-29, 2017: pp. 107-114.
Published by: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, Univerzitná 1, 01026 Žilina, Slovak Republic.
ISBN: 978-80-554-0949-8, ISSN: 1339-522X
You can find the original paper in English here.
You can find the original paper from the congress web site here.
Archaeoacoustic exploration in Montebello Castle (Rimini, Italy)
Paolo Debertolis*, Daniele Gullà**
*Department of Medical Sciences - University of Trieste, Italy
**Super Brain Research Group, Bologna, Italy
Abstract — After seven years of research on sacred sites in Europe and Asia from an archaeoacoustic point of view, another study was completed in Montebello Castle, otherwise known as Azzurrina’s castle. It is located in Montebello Torriana (Rimini, Italy) above the Valley of Marecchia and Uso. The hill on which the castle was built is an interesting archaeological site whose origin has been lost in time. We know that in the third century AD the Roman Empire erected an observation tower in a part of the castle, the remains of which are still present today. However this tower was built on a well known sacred site, used by Celtic civilizations, which had been present for a long time in this valley before Roman domination. All our results show that a lot of the historical myths connected to the castle could be ascribed to physical phenomena located in this site, in a similar way to other recognized sacred sites we have analysed in Europe.
Keywords - archaeoacoustics, physical phenomenona, TRV camera, PIV, UV, Malatesta, Montebello, castle.
This scientific paper was published in 2017 on Arts and Humanities Open Access Journal (vol. 1 n. 1): 00003, DOI: 10.15406/ahoaj.2017.01.00003.
You can fin the original paper here.
Cell melodies: when sound speaks to stem cells
C. Ventura (1,2,3) , D. Gullà (2,4) , M. Graves (2) , A. Bergonzoni (2) , R. Tassinari (3) , C. Cavallini (3) , and J. von Stietencron (2)
(1) Istituto Nazione di Biostrutture e Biosistemi (INBB), Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Bologna,Bologna, Italy
(2) VID art|science/INBB, Bologna, Italy
(3) Stem Wave Institute for Tissue Healing (SWITH), Ettore Sansavini Health Science Foundation, Lugo (Ravenna), Italy
(4) Super Brain Research Group, Italy
Abstract - Background: Our cells produce acoustic vibrations that may inform us of their state of health or disease. Music and voice, through the diffusive power of sound, permeate our body. Stem cells reside in all body tissues, orchestrating tissue repair throughout life. Can the sound of music and words affect human stem cells? This fascinating question has been the conductive theme of “CelMelodies”, a world premier live experiment organized November 7 th -9 th , 2016 in Bologna, Italy, by VID art|science, an international movement of Artists and Scientists (, and cured by Carlo Ventura, Professor of Molecular Biology and stem cell scientist at the University of Bologna, with Julia von Stietencron, Art Director of VID art|science. Materials and Methods: On the scene, together with Milford Graves, a famous Jazz drummer based in New York, and Alessandro Bergonzoni, a renowned theater actor, there were human adipose-derived stem cells on the stage of a microscope equipped with a multispectral imaging (MSI) system. MSI allows information collection and processing across the electromagnetic spectrum (light), and was used to detect the electromagnetic emission spectra produced by stem cells in response to the sound patterns generated by the Artists. MSI data were projected onto a screen and made visible to the Audience. Results: Different MSI patterns were generated by stem cells in response to different sound spectra produced by the Musician, whose performance sinks roots in the ancestral rhythms and sounds from Africa and Latin America, using the heartbeat as the beginning of every possible pace. MSI also revealed that stem cell emission spectra remarkably changed during the Actor’s performance, varying upon sound emission patterning created by his dialog. Conclusions: For the first time, we provided evidence that human stem cells are able to respond with different vibrational signatures to the sound generated by Artists in the form of music or voice dialog in live performances. Future experiments are warranted to reveal whether the observed cellular responses may be associated with changes in gene/protein expression and signaling pathways, being of relevance for human stem cell homeostasis.
Keywords - Human adipose derived stem cells, Sound vibration, Music, Multi spectral imaging. Cellular vibration.
This scientific paper was produced in collaboration with other institutions by our researcher Daniele Gullà and published as original research on the issue Volume 5, Number 2: e2231 (2017) of the journal CellR4. Cell4 is a journal with a particular focus on cellular repair, replacement, regeneration, reprogramming and differentiation.
You can find the original paper in English here.
Archaeoacoustic analysis of Xaghra Hypogeum, Gozo, Malta
Paolo Debertolis*, Nina Earl**, Natalia Tarabella***
*Department of Medical Sciences - University of Trieste, Italy
**SB Research Group, London, UK
***SB Research Group, Florence, Italy
Abstract - Archaeoacoustics offers a new way to interpret anthropological questions pertaining to ancient architecture and populations. Studies conducted at a number of ancient sites throughout Europe and Asia, have found the presence of natural phenomena capable of influencing the human brain. Earlier studies show that ancient populations most likely through use of empirical methods chose the location of their ceremonial sites for this reason. In Xaghra Hypogeum a stone circle located on the island of Gozo, Malta, infrasounds and audible low frequencies capable of affecting the brain were discovered. The caves and surrounding stones act like a musical box amplifying the natural sounds present and it is possible the natural caves could have been modified to enhance this aspect. Similar natural characteristics were also discovered at other archaeological sites in Europe and Asia, including Epidauros in Greece and Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. This is the third and final article on results of our researches in Malta e Gozo islands (Mediterranean Sea) from archaeoacoustic point of view.
Keywords - archaeoacoustics, low vibrations, Gozo, Malta, Epidauros, Gobekli Tepe.
This scientific paper will be published on the issue of June 2017 (Volume 5, Number 1) of the Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, ISSN 2334-2420 (Print Version) 2334-2439 (Online Version): 1-16.
You can find the original paper draft in English here.
You can find the published article (E-Publication FirstTM) on the Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology here.