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(Past and present collaborations)
Museum of Visoko (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
The research aims to locate, to list and to broadcast some historical elements, the stecak, burial-ritual objects in Visoko’s area, as requirements to conserve and re-design in an innovative way the urban shape and the natural landscape. The survey and the graphical description of the stecak will be introduced to dynamic data processing archives, that are very helpful for understanding the history of the place, the typological and morphological frame of the settlement and its landscape, the connections between content and form.
Bosnian Foundation of Pyramid of the Sun (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
The collaboration with this private institution is in particular in archaeological sites of Ravne’s Labyrinth and Visoćica hill/ Pyramid of the Sun. In this sites the research is going on regarding survey and study of the design of tunnels that were gradually discovered, through graphic design and formal geometric comparisons. They are developed simultaneously anthropological studies on the human body related to the effect of resonance present in the tunnel and the microclimate of the local enviroment.
Croatian Institutions for the town of Vermo (Croatia)
SB Research Group has also decided to pursue further researches on the prehistoric fort of Beram. Because its necropolis has three stages of development, we intend also to discover the secrets of the position of the other "tower" which was discussed in granting economic subsidy for its construction from the year 911 AD. Through scientific research from the perspective of different skills, the main purpose will not only document the history, but we want to revive all this settlement in its various stages of development. We propose, therefore, a historical and detailed planning of this important artistic and archaeological site, new SBRG’s excavations for 2013. The excavation campaign will focus initially to conclude research on ancient necropolis started at the end of '800, but never finished.
Abbazia di San Salvatore (Siena - Italia).
The collaboration with this religious institution aims at the study of the phenomena of archaeo-acoustics in this ancient sacred site which dates back to a period prior to the Christian settlement and extends to the Neolithic period. The collaboration will be implemented in the evaluation of existing structures from the archaeological point of view, via the analysis of the underlying layers.
Ipogeo "celtico" di Cividale del Friuli (Italia).
This structure is a private property. In this case, the search is carried out in an attempt to backdate this known archaeological site through the use of new techniques of investigation, mainly physical and by archaeoacoustics.
Museo di Zaječar (Serbia).
The collaboration is carried out in the study from the point of view of archaeoacoustics on the imperial palace Felix Romuliana of the third century AD attributed to the emperor Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximus (near the village of Gamzigrad). The study covers both the research of the phenomenon of resonance on the Tower South-East of the palace and on the low frequencies and infrasounds in the Temple of Cybele and close to the imperial tumulus on the hill of Mogura.
Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco (Florence, Italy).
With which an agreement was stipulated for the defense and promotion of European and world cultural and historical heritage in 2018.