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Archaeoacoustics analysis and ceremonial customs in an ancient hypogeum
Paolo Debertolis*, Niccolò Bisconti**
*Department of Medical Sciences - University of Trieste
**Department of Archaeology and Art History - University of Siena
Abstract — The archeaoacoustic properties and the historical rituals of two ancient underground hypogea were compared. The first in Malta, is more widely known and researched, the second in Italy, has been studied by SBRG and presents some similarities to the Maltese hypogeum. The results show that archaeoacoustics is an interesting new method for reanalyzing ancient sites, it uses different study parameters to re-discover forgotten technology which operates on the human emotional sphere. The effect on the psyche of ancient people through the acoustic proprieties suggests the builders of these sites had knowledge of this process and probably used it to enhance their rituals.
This scientific paper is published on the issue of October 2013 (Volume 3, Number 10: 803-814) of the scientific journal Sociology Study, ISSN (print) 2159-5526; (online) 2159-5534, USA from David Publishing Editor.