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Continuing the research of the SBRG at the geoglyph of Kanda in Macedonia

TAG: archaeoacoustic, archaeo-acoustic, archaeology, electromagnetic waves, ultrasounds, infra sounds, Macedonia, geoglyph, Sveti Nikole, Kanda, SBRG, SB Research Group

After the mission undertaken in March 2014 (here) at several sacred sites of the Sveti Nikole location in Macedonia, and on the basis of preliminary results obtained in the laboratory this last spring, the site of greatest interest from an archaeoacoustic point of view is the hill at Kanda.  It is important to remember that on the hill at Kanda there is a deep incision of a geoglyph only visible from the sky (by aircraft) and not from ground level nor from the surrounding mountains.  Consequently the results obtained in March made a second, more detailed, mission necessary by the SBRG which took place in July 2014.

For this mission and for subsequent more detailed ones, we give great thanks to the Mayor of Sveti Nikole, Zoran Tasev, for his support and generosity as well as his decisive vision considering the importance of this historical site that is in the process of being understood.


Fig. 1 – The geoglyph at Kanda photographed by the team during our aerial surveillance.  The two photos at the bottom were taken with special software used to increase the contrast of the digital camera


This geoglyph is surrounded by an oval shape whose principle axis is perfectly aligned in the direction North-South has a sort of inverted “W” inscribed on its inside. This letter seems to imitate the orientation of the star system Cassiopeia rather than an alphabetical letter.  It represents an easily identifiable design commonly used in antiquity as the symbol of the Great Mother.

In mythology Cassiopeia was known as the Queen of the Sky, the Great Mother and the mother of Andromeda who is the wife of Perseus.  Cassiopeia was the mythical queen of Ethiopia who challenged Poseidon with her beauty however its traditional western myth that has assigned this name to this constellation; for example Arab astronomers use a completely different name.


Fig. 2 – The constellation of Cassiopeia set out in relation to the Polar Star

As far as the alignment of the geoglyph with the constellation of Cassiopeia is concerned, a cluster of stars very close to the north pole stars and opposite the constellation of the Great Cart, this constellation is always visible from the northern hemisphere, so much so that even today it's used as a reference point to measure Sidereal Time; as did humans in antiquity.


Fig. 3 – Seasonal variations of the position of Cassiopeia at sunset

It is important not to forget that the sky rotating around the Sidereal North Pole and Cassiopeia appears on the cusp of the glyph at 04:32 in the morning between the 20th and 22nd of July with the oval's orientation exactly following a trajectory according to its principle axis.  According to some, this date corresponds to the birth date of Alexander the Great and the time of his birth in the morning.

All in all according to others, the glyph has nothing to do with Alexander the Great, but is placed on top of a much more ancient tomb which has the incision of the presumed image of the Constellation of Cassiopeia and the star from which the buried being came from.

The thought that the incision of the presumed image of the Constellation of Cassiopeia is not exactly correct either and must be further explained. Its as if the incision was made with the relative view of the buried being looking out towards the star of origin; in other words inversed.

In this case the design of the glyph is perfectly superimposed onto the image of the stellar constellation.  As far as the linguistic interpretation of the glyph is concerned its important to remember that in the past this symbol in Linear B was also associated with the cycle of reincarnation and the eternity of the soul.


Fig. 4 - The mysterious symbol in Linear B associated with eternity and the cycle of reincarnation


According to the researcher Domagoj Nikolić (Rochester Institute of Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia) and the professor Aristotele Tentov (St. Kiril i Metodij University, Skopie, Macedonia) in Macedonian mythology the symbol of the geoglyph represents the God Se.  Se was the first child of the Great Mother and the supreme God of the ancient Macedonia's who created the entire universe.  This way, the Creator and the Great Mother also created the state of Macedonia to then incarnate in the persons of the King and Queen of Macedonia.  This theory is in perfect line with the ancient Dionysian mystery school teachings frequented by Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great, who is mentioned by Pluto in his writings “The Life Of Alexander”.

It is important to read with attention the explanation of the SBRG researcher in this field, Domagoj Nikolić, published as a scientific study upon the acts of congress in Slovakia in December 2014, which summarises the preliminary results of our two missions to Kanda in 2014  (see original text).

The mission of July 2014 lasted one week, during which for four days the measuring equipment was placed on the inside of the perimeter of the geoglyph alternating the staff that was left to control and guard it day and night.

The principle equipment was placed under a gazebo placed on top of the hill and to measure the electromagnetic signal we used a tested MOTU digital audio interface with eight recording inputs, powered by a car battery that was recharged every day with a diesel generator.


Fig. 5 – Our sound engineer, the Finnish Heikki Savolainen, working at the computer during registrations with the MOTU interface. Behind him the researcher Domagoj Nikolić


 Fig. 6 - MOTU interface with the numerous cables connected to the sensors and Genelec speakers used as sound monitors


To this were connected eight different types of sensors, microphones and hydrophones including a 3D sensor used in our prior research which is capable of determine the origin of different signals to ensure that they are not for example signals from some nearby military base or radio/TV stations.  The selected recordings were also converted with PRAAT software to binary txt code for further analysis. Audio electromagnetic files were examined in Helsinki by the sound engineer Heikki Savolainen. This data was also sent to “St. Kiril i Metodij” University in Skopje for an indipendent study by professor Aristotel Tentov who also  participated in the research mission in the capacity of observer.

The geoglyph cannot be seen from earth, as can be seen in the image below. Nor is it very visible with the shades of the evening, even though you can imagine something is there.


 Fig. 7 -  The geoglyph as seen from above ground level with the evening shade.  Its presence can only be imagined


 Fig. 8 - Clearly rom the base of the hill it is not possible to suppose the geoglyph on the top


Fig. 9 - The green laser pointed towards the sky serves to verify the alignment of the geoglyph with the constellation of Cassiopeia during the night


The group of researchers who undertook the experiments was comprised of eight people, three Macedonian and five members of the SBRG from various nations.  Out of this group the actual astrotheologist and philosopher for SBRG was the Dalmatian Domagoj Nikolić, who replaced the previous historian that left the group over one year ago. Goran Marjanović from Serbia, an electronic engineer who replaced  Slobodan Mizdrak who guided the group in the Kanda mission of March 2014, but is now no longer part of the research group.  Also present for the SBRG group, the research coordinator and Italian medical doctor, Paolo Debertolis, the scientific assistant the British, Nina Earl and Finnish sound engineer Heikki Savolainen.


Fig. 10 - The complete SBRG research team.  In the centre the Mayor of Sveti Nikole, Zoran Tasev (third from the right)


Below a visible signal emitted from the hill on the oscilloscope as seen in July 2014, and as measured by the engineer Marianović. This signal also confirmed its existence even in this mission to Kanda.



Fig. 11 - Above:  the electromagnetic signal emanating from underground at the hill of Kanda as seen on the oscilloscope by the engineer Marianović.  Below:  the number of sound samples taken to identify any eventual differences in the electromagnetic signal


 Fig. 12 - The engineer Goran Marianović (on the left) during a measurement together with the researcher Domagoj Nikolić (on the right)


Beyond the electromagnetic signal there is also a low frequency mechanical vibration which was measured but only on the peak of the hill and its close proximity.  The equipment used to verify this sound are the same as the group have used many times before on previous research missions and thus we can confirm their dependability.  Below is a link to the sound recording that comprises a great number of infra sounds and to make it audible was transposed using software and a computer.  We advise you to listen to this recording with only high fidelity headphones with a good base response.


Fig. 13 - The various number of archaeoacustic recordings taken on the inside and the perimeter of the geoglyph. The photo below of professor Paolo Debertolis


The hypothesis is that it's generated by the flow of subterranean water that we discovered in large quantities.  The effect for those who are on top of the hill is notable, but not always unequivocal.  Some feel charged with energy whilst others feel bad and become very nervous.  The subjective response to these low frequency infra sounds is thus very variable, as we have discovered on our previous missions and in the laboratory of Neurophysiology at the University of Trieste with research that is still ongoing with various volunteers (here).

We also spent much time with the digital sound recorders at locations around the hill with the  geoglyph to discover the source and direction of the water flow.  Numerous measurements were taken at a total of 17 different locations.  It seems like all the surrounding zone has this underground water that was used once upon a time as it was at the archaeological site of Bylazora that is found nearby.  This site dates back to the reign of Peonia in VIIth century BC, a population that in IIIth century BC was absorbed by Macedonia.

On the basis of physical phenomena discovered, this geoglyphic site can be considered as part of the list of Balkan sacred sites such as Visoćica Hill  (Pyramids of Bosnia) (here) or the hill of Magura in Serbia (here) which we have researched in the past.



Fig. 14 - More images of the geoglyph positioned on the peak of the hill of Kanda.  Even in this case the aerial images utilise software to increase the contrast of the photo


As stated above close to Kanda can be found the archaeological site of Bylazora of which we have taken high resolution aerial photos which we also gave to the Archaeological Museum of Sveti Nikole who have, not to date, undertaken this type of research even though they have studied this site from a traditional archaeological perspective.  It seems like this site was destroyed by the Romans when they invaded the Balkans.  The signs that the city was destroyed by fire are more than evident, like the bones of the victims found together with numerous lances and arrows.  The columns of the site fell together with the roof where roof tiles can be found dispersed a bit everywhere.


Fig. 15 - The aerial shots taken by SBRG of the site of  Bylazora.  The photo below was taken with software to increase the contrast, the latest used in archaeology, present on the photo camera Olympus E-5


 Fig. 16 - The site of  Bylazora as seen from the ground.  The signs of destruction are dispersed a bit everywhere.  In the photo below on the left the Macedonian researcher Nikola Ristevski, to his right professor Debertolis


Even in this case the site was photographed with special software to increase the contrast of the digital camera (Olympus patented software) which works perfectly well for archaeological studies.  Seen from the hill of the geoglyph the site of  Bylazora can be found in the image below behind the hill, dark and covered in forest, therefore quite close to the geoglyph.  According to some, under the geoglyph there is the possibility of finding the burial site of one of the ancient Kings of Peoni.  However it cannot be excluded that the site is much older than this.

Fig. 17 - In the background the hill that separates the view between the geoglyph and Bylazora


In either case the aerial shots taken over the geoglyph were very extensive especially with infrared photography.  What we discovered was the artificial nature of the hill which can be considered like a cairn built for a very important person in history seeing its conspicuous dimensions.  The infrared photos show the various reflections of electromagnetic radiation highlighted by the different layers of terrain used.  In this case the different tonalities of colour of the terrain between the hill and the surrounding countryside indicates that the hill was constructed with material not found locally.


Fig. 18 - Above: the Cessna used for the aerial photography. The same type was used in Bosnia and has proven to be very versatile. In the photo below the pilot and flight instructor we collaborated with to take the aerial shots


Fig. 19 - Infrared images of the hill at Kanda. The different colouration of the surrounding terrain is evident in the non cultivated terrain situated to the south of the hill with respect to the hill itself even though the vegetation is the same


As far as the valuation of the emissions of electromagnetic waves from beneath the hill, using various methodologies, we could ascertain that there is a difference depending from where the measurements were taken on the hill.  This variance corresponds to the presence of a cavity inside the hill presumably only a few tens of meters beneath the surface. This last discovery already published in the international literature (here) makes us believe that the hill at Kanda is a cairn with an inner chamber or that the hill was raised on top of an existing hill to form the cairn thus increasing its original height.

The next phase of the research will be to confirm with georadar these existing discoveries.

Paolo Debertolis – January 21, 2015


SBRG is extremely grateful to the mayor of Sveti Nikole, Zoran Tasev, for supporting this research from the beginning with great courage of his convictions. We are glad that we can contribute to his great vision.

A heartfelt thanks to all the people of Sveti Nikole who worked for the success of this research project and in particular to all the technical staff who supported us in all our missions to Kanda.

We owe special gratitude to our scientific assistant and member of the research team, a local researcher Nikola Ristevski whose dedicated work has been our great inspiration.

Special thanks also for the Department of Medical Sciences of the University of Trieste (Italy) for supporting this research and in particular to the director, professor Roberto Di Lenarda.


Translated by Pier Bond


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