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Archaeoacoustic exploration in Montebello Castle (Rimini, Italy)

Paolo Debertolis*, Daniele Gullà**


*Department of Medical Sciences - University of Trieste, Italy

**Super Brain Research Group, Bologna, Italy


Abstract — After seven years of research on sacred sites in Europe and Asia from an archaeoacoustic point of view, another study was completed in Montebello Castle, otherwise known as Azzurrina’s castle. It is located in Montebello Torriana (Rimini, Italy) above the Valley of Marecchia and Uso. The hill on which the castle was built is an interesting archaeological site whose origin has been lost in time. We know that in the third century AD the Roman Empire erected an observation tower in a part of the castle, the remains of which are still present today. However this tower was built on a well known sacred site, used by Celtic civilizations, which had been present for a long time in this valley before Roman domination. All our results show that a lot of the historical myths connected to the castle could be ascribed to physical phenomena located in this site, in a similar way to other recognized sacred sites we have analysed in Europe.

Keywords - archaeoacoustics, physical phenomenona, TRV camera, PIV, UV, Malatesta, Montebello, castle.


This scientific paper was published in 2017 on Arts and Humanities Open Access Journal (vol. 1 n. 1): 00003, DOI: 10.15406/ahoaj.2017.01.00003.


You can fin the original paper here.


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